I can’t believe I haven’t updated this in almost a year!! So much has happened. I’m happy to report that I’m still on my quest to better health and fitness and on my journey to completely run a 5K.
Here’s a quick recap of the last 10 months…. 2017 was simply a phenomenal year!!
So the last time I blogged was in March 2017 and was after the St Patrick’s day 5K. I PR’d that race with a time of 50:21 and was super stoked about that. My previous PR was from my very first timed 5K, the Sweetheart 5K with a time of 50:32. So even though it wasn’t a HUGE PR, it was a PR nonetheless.
My goal after those first two races was to do a 5k a month and prepare for my first ever 10K at the Rock and Roll Chicago race on July 16, 2017. I had a dream of finishing in 1 hour 40 minutes so I knew I needed to train hard! My pace that April was 16:12 and to achieve my goal it needed to be 16:05 – and that’s for a 10K, not just a 5K!
The next month in April 2017 I ran another 5k, the El Dorado 5K, and managed a new PR with a time of 49:40!
In May of 2017 I ran the Prairie Fire 5K and again PR’d my time with a finish of 46:48. I couldn’t believe I averaged a 15:03 pace for an entire 5K!! That 10K goal was finally in sight!
June 2017 rolled around sooner than I thought and not having already planned a 5K I decided to do the Wichita River Run 2 mile race. (Growing up I had always gone to the River Fest each year, never dreaming one day I would be able to participate in one of the races.)
Well, I ran my butt off for those 2 miles and finished with my fastest pace yet of 14:51 and cried in all my finish photos. So many emotions.
July 2017 came and ready or not I was off to meet the woman who helped me start this crazy running journey and run a 10K with her in a city I had never even visited before.
I was nervous, scared, and more than anything, I didn’t want to let her down. (I always call her my “professional running friend”… she consistently runs 9-10 minute miles and is someone who I greatly admire.)
Her zest for life and overall positive attitude make me just want to be a better person.
I’m going to save Chicago for it’s own post because there’s just too much to share about it, and well frankly because it just deserves it’s own post.
Check back soon!